Give your Faith Promise:
Learn about each of our different faith promise missions: Children of Promise, Sonshine Learning Center, Pregnancy Solutions, Mid-America University, Warner University’s, The TWIG, and Larry & Leeann Sellers
Children of Promise
Children have the best chance at wholeness when they have their basic needs met and when they are part of a loving community. Children of Promise’s local leaders in more than 30 countries around the world identify children in their communities who would benefit from child sponsorship. This ensures the support provided to sponsored children makes the biggest possible impact in their lives.

Sonshine Learning Center
The Sonshine Learning Center was founded in 2008 by First Church to provide quality affordable day care with Christ centered teaching at a low cost. Today Sonshine has grown to care for over 30 families each day.
Pregnancy Solutions
Pregnancy Solutions (Venice) supports a choice for life by offering free pregnancy tests, baby and maternity clothing, and other essentials.

Mid-America Christian University
Mid-America Christian University contributions enable MACU to offer scholarships to ministerial student who plan to pastor in the church of God.
Warner University
Warner University’s mission is to provide excellence in Christian higher education through a curriculum and community that consciously integrates models and promotes Christian faith, scholarship and servanthood.

The Twig
The TWIG exists to provide a haven for the foster care community where needs are met, hearts are encouraged, and God’s love is shown in a practical way.
Larry & Leeann Sellers
Larry & Leeann Sellers are missionaries with Church of God Ministries, who serve in the Ivory Coast, Africa. They focus on leadership development, church administration, planting of French-speaking churches, development of French literature for the church in Africa, Women’s ministry, literacy programs, Christian education, and also lead the first French-speaking Bible institute of the Church of God.